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Starting your Expert Witness Business
Starting your Expert Witness Business
Practical steps to take as you set up your practice.
Setting Fees and Getting Paid
Setting Fees and Getting Paid
The EWI has a range of tools, guidance, and training to help you set the right fees and get them paid.
We have a range of resources to explain how you can get the most marketing bang for your buck.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution
What roles might you play in Alternative Dispute Resolution?
Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations
It is essential you understand your duties and the appropriate rules and regulations.
Receiving Instructions
Receiving Instructions
We have developed a short guide to what you should expect and your review.
Working with Instructing Parties
Working with Instructing Parties
Your most important relationship will generally be with the solicitor or agency that is instructing them.
Being instructed as a Single Joint Expert
Being instructed as a Single Joint Expert
Acting as a Single Joint Expert can be more challenging than being a party appointed expert.
Records, Assessments, and Site Visits
Records, Assessments, and Site Visits
Keeping records and making assessments are key parts of your role.
Report Writing
Report Writing
Delivering compliant, impartial, well-constructed, comprehensible Expert Witness reports is a core competency of an expert witness.
Responding to questions
Responding to questions
Responding to the questions of your legal team through-out the case will be a core part of your role.
Experts Discussions and Joint Statements
Experts Discussions and Joint Statements
It is important to understand the relevant procedure rules and guidance that apply and what is expected of you, before engaging in an expert discussion.
Changing your opinion
Changing your opinion
When new evidence is presented to you, you must be prepared to consider this whilst maintaining your impartiality and independence and remembering that your overriding duty is to the court and not your instructing party.
Giving Oral Evidence
Giving Oral Evidence
The key to Oral Evidence in a Court or Tribunal is Preparation, Preparation, Preparation.
Criticism and Complaints
Criticism and Complaints
Guidance on identifying criticism, what to do if you are subject to criticism, and avoiding criticism.
Maintaining your professional edge
Maintaining your professional edge
It is essential that you maintain your professional development relevant to your Expert Witness practice.
Ways in which you can be supported or support others through a mentoring relationship whilst avoiding the 'Pinkus Trap'.
Approaching Retirement
Approaching Retirement
As well as planning in advance and winding down the number of instructions you take on, you should also consider run-off indemnity insurance to cover cases.