Report Writing

Delivering compliant, impartial, well-constructed, comprehensible Expert Witness reports is a core competency of an Expert Witness. An Expert Witness report is not the same as a report written for a professional assignment. For example, you need to write for a lay audience – your legal team, the client, the judge and/or jury – and understand and comply with the framework of court rules and procedure.

You report will be very important and you will need to refer to it often. You will need to go through it in discussions with your legal team and you might need to speak to it in discussions with other parties’ experts as well as in court. It needs to comply with the rules and guidance, include all the necessary information and reasoning without including unnecessary information, be well-structured, and easy to reference.

The EWI strongly recommends that anyone intending on acting as an Expert Witness undertake training in report writing before they start, as well as keep on top of changing requirements with CPD.

Please read on for:

  • Tips for Report Writing
  • Training
  • Getting your CV right for your Expert Report
  • Tools
    • Report Template
    • Standard Declarations
    • Report checklist

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