Expert Matters - The Podcast

Each month, CEO of EWI, Simon Berney-Edwards, and Policy Manger, Sean Mosby, will take an informed look at developments in the world of expert witnesses and expert evidence. There will also be updates on what's happening at EWI, as well as longer form content including interviews and in-depth discussion of key issues for the expert witness community.


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Podcast Episode 10: Equal Representation for Expert Witnesses

Podcast Episode 10: Equal Representation for Expert Witnesses

In Episode 10 of the Expert Matters Podcast we celebrate International Women's Day. Women are appointed or testify in only 9% of disputes worldwide and in many fields there are many fewer female expert witnesses than female practitioners overall. We hear from a guest panel of Kathryn Britten, Dr Frances Cranfield and Dr Kathryn Newns on the barriers and challenges women face and some potential solutions, before EWI's Membership Manager, Wiebke Morgen, tells us about EWI's involvement in the Equal Representation for Expert Witnesses (ERE) Pledge.