17 March News EWI guidance for experts approached by unscrupulous expert witness agencies 01. Starting your Expert Witness Business, 07. Receiving Instructions, 08. Working with Instructing Parties, 02. Working with Agencies or Panels, Unethical agencies While there are many respectable and legitimate expert witness agencies who provide brilliant support to the expert witnesses who work with them, the EWI has had continuing reports of the activities of some unethical agencies who prey upon experts who do not have a good understanding of expert witness work or who may be vulnerable to such approaches for other reasons. We do not want any expert to fall victim to an unscrupulous agency, so we have prepared a short guide setting out the red flags to watch out for in the approach of an unethical agency and, conversely, the sorts of positive signs to expect from a respectable and legitimate agency, including a quick checklist to complete.