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Family Justice Council – Experts Committee Symposium – 12 October 2022
Wiebke Morgan 1739

Family Justice Council – Experts Committee Symposium – 12 October 2022

byWiebke Morgan

A reflection of the day by Wiebke Morgan, Membership Manager (having watched the event remotely)


The main session of the  Symposium, hosted by Mr Justice Williams,  gave an overview on the implementation of the recommendations made in the final report of the working group on Experts in the Family Justice System (published on 5 November 2020) and also looked at steps ahead. While the Symposium was aptly sub-titled ‘The Long and Winding Road’, nonetheless, as Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division and chair of the Family Justice Council, remarked in his opening address, significant progress has been made.


It also  featured talks on related issues such as the concern over expertise of  psychology experts in alienation and domestic abuse cases. Dr Jaime Craig made the point that the FJC/BPS guidance was very clear: A psychologist expert should either be an academic psychologist chartered with BPS or a practitioner, HCPC registered psychologist.


Kath Halliday, President of the Royal College of Radiologists, reflected on her experience as expert witness. Dr Jo Gifford RCPH, in her presentation on how research papers inform expert evidence made the point that when doctors and judges use the term ‘evidence’ they are defining it very differently.


Prof  Keith Rix, a Fellow of the Expert Witness Institute, and member of our Membership Committee,  gave a thought-provoking overview on recent cases, highlighting lessons that should be learned. I encourage you to read his case updates which are regulary updated in our Knowledge Hub - there are alway extremely relevant learning points!


In the afternoon, there were 4 break-out groups on the following subjects:


  1. NHS, Commissioners and Royal Colleges and professional bodies [Dr Fiona Straw, Dr Adam Oates and Dr Neil Stoodley]
  2. Payment recommendations [Lead by Maud Davis]
  3. Training and the role of Royal Colleges [Lead by Prof Keith Rix and Sharon Segal]
  4. Court processes and treatment of experts [HHJ Sharpe and Williams J]


The groups reported back at the end of the day and the overall sense was one of optimism about the prospects of making further progress in implementing the recommendations.


This was a day packed full of information and positive contributions. I was struck (but not surprised) by the hard work and commitment shown by all participants, and I feel they have taken great strides on the long and winding road. If you are interested in the work of the Group you can read more at: https://www.judiciary.uk/family-justice-council/experts-in-the-family-justice-system-efjs/


About the Family Justice Council
The primary role of the Family Justice Council (operational since 2004) is to promote an interdisciplinary approach to family justice and to monitor the system. The Council, a non-statutory, advisory non-departmental public body, monitors how effectively the system, both as a whole, and through its component parts, delivers the service that the public need. It advises on reforms necessary for continuous improvement.


For information about the work of the Council please visit the website: http://www.judiciary.gov.uk/about-the-judiciary/advisory-bodies/fjc



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