19 October 2021 Simon Berney-Edwards 2165 News EWI takes part in London Legal Walk bySimon Berney-Edwards The EWI were proud to support the London Legal Walk on Monday 18 October and joined over 600 teams from law firms, chambers, charities and the judiciary. The team successfully completely the 10km Walk to raise money to support free legal advice charities in London and the South East. Congratulations to Simon Berney-Edwards (CEO), Susan James (Finance Manager), Wiebke Morgan (Membership Manager), Peter Mulhern (Board Member) and Priya Vaidya (Web and Communications Officer) and get well soon to EWI Member Ian Callaway who had to pull out due to sickness. If you would like to make a donation, there is still time. Please visit https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/ExpertWitnessInstitute21 Share Print Switch article Fraud case collapse due to lack of disclosure and conflicted Experts Previous Article 'Wholly unreasonable and negligent' expert ordered to pay £50k wasted costs Next Article Comments are only visible to subscribers.