27 February Case Updates T.U. -v- International Protection Appeals Tribunal & Anor Asylum cases, Ireland, International Protection Appeals Tribunal, 05. Rules and Regulations The High Court of Ireland found that the Irish International Protection Appeals Tribunal's duty to cooperate required it offer the applicant the chance to obtain (or have obtained by the Tribunal) a medico-legal report on injuries which had come to light during the hearing.
15 February Case Updates The direction of a Single Joint Expert should be the default position in the Family Court Single joint expert, Family Law, family court, 05. Rules and Regulations, 08. Being instructed as a Single Joint Expert In BR v BR [2024] EWFC 11, Mr Justice Peel concludes that the direction of a Single Joint Expert is the default position in the Family Court and there is a high bar to persuade the court to give permission for two or more experts to be solely instructed.
12 February Case Updates Expert reports and their appendices should not be indigestible to the court Expert reports, 10. Report Writing, 12. Experts Discussions and Joint Statements, 15. Criticism and Complaints The judge made it clear to the parties that the expert evidence must be condensed and translated into a form which is manageable and proportionate to the court's enquiry. L v O [2024] EWFC 6
8 February Case Updates Yesss (A) Electrical Ltd v Martin Warren [2024] EWCA Civ 14 CPR, 05. Rules and Regulations A late application to rely on a new expert witness does not engage CPR rule 3.9 and require an application for relief from sanctions.
1 February Case Updates An expert who oversteps their role puts their evidence at risk Clinical psychology, Duty of Expert, Duty to the court, Judicial critism, European Convention on Human Rights, Humans Rights Act 1998, Gender Recognition Act 2004, 05. Rules and Regulations, 15. Criticism and Complaints, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits An expert who does not understand their duty to be independent, and oversteps their role, risks the court either refusing to admit their evidence or placing less weight upon it. Ryan Castellucci, R (on the application of) v Gender Recognition Panel [2024] EWHC 54 (Admin)
30 January Case Updates Jagger (& others) -v- Axa Insurance PLC Credibility, Criticism of a party's legal team, CPR Part 35, Judicial critism, Cavity Wall Insulation, Construction, 05. Rules and Regulations The Claimants' solicitors abused the Court's process by issuing claims based on the evidence of an expert when there were significant concerns as to his independence in a previous case and therefore his understanding of his duty to the Court as an expert.
22 January Case Updates Expert witnesses must not act as advocates for the party instructing them Expert evidence, Judicial critism, Dentistry, Credibility of expert, 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing, 13. Changing your opinion, 14. Giving Oral Evidence, 15. Criticism and Complaints An expert witness must be careful not to step over the boundary between being an independent expert and an advocate for the party instructing them. Balachandra v The General Dental Council [2024] EWHC 18 (Admin) (10 January 2024)
19 January Case Updates Experts making the evidence fit their own conclusions do not meet their duty to the Court Expert evidence, Medical expert, CPR Part 35, Duty to the court, Judicial critism, Credibility of expert, 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing, 12. Experts Discussions and Joint Statements, 15. Criticism and Complaints A medical expert witness was not helping the Court by trying to make the evidence about a child's injuries fit their own conclusions. LCC v V & B [2023] EWFC 268 (18 August 2023)
16 October Case Updates Jennings v Otis Ltd [2023] EWHC 2039 (KB) Negligence, Experts’ joint inspection, Accident, Engineering, 05. Rules and Regulations, 06. Receiving Instructions, 07. Working with Instructing Parties, 12. Experts Discussions and Joint Statements Witness attendance at experts’ meeting
16 October Case Updates OXR v Mid and South Essex Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [2023] EWHC 2006 (KB) Negligence, Medical expert, ENT surgery, 13. Changing your opinion, 12. Experts Discussions and Joint Statements Openness and reliance on the views of unidentified colleagues