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The Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry and the importance of Expert Witness training

The Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry and the importance of Expert Witness training

Gareth Jenkins gave evidence to the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry from 25 to 28 June on the expert evidence he provided on the Horizon IT system. Mr Jenkins told the Inquiry that he had been unaware of his duties as an Expert Witness and had not been offered any training to support his role. The EWI offers comprehensive training on the core competencies of an Expert Witness. We urge policy and rule makers, and the judiciary, to consider how to ensure that Expert Witnesses fully understand their duties and know how to apply them.  

MB v KB [2023] EWHC 3177 (Fam)
Case Updates

MB v KB [2023] EWHC 3177 (Fam)

An expert report did not address all of the questions posed in the letter of instruction, reformulated other questions, and failed to comply with FPR Part 25 in a number of important ways, while the expert witness's oral evidence failed to provide an impartial expert view. 

Expert Evidence and The Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry

Expert Evidence and The Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry

The Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry is currently holding the public hearings for its phases 5 and 6, which will include scrutiny of the expert evidence relied on by the Post Office. We are proud that two members of EWI provided excellent, independent expert evidence or expert advice on the Horizon case. Their roles in the case demonstrate how important it is for Expert Witnesses to understand and apply the core competencies of the profession. 

Tips for cross-examination from the EWI Annual Conference

Tips for cross-examination from the EWI Annual Conference

During this year’s EWI Conference on 17 May, Beth Rigby presented a session on the Expert Witness: In Practice. The session featured practical examples of an Expert under cross-examination to illustrate the pitfalls of oral evidence and how to avoid them, before concluding with breakout groups to discuss concerns with, and tips for, cross-examination. We've collated the insigfhtful feedback from these discussions. 

A Day in the Life of an Expert Witness in Electrical Engineering and Construction

A Day in the Life of an Expert Witness in Electrical Engineering and Construction

Efstathios Maliakis is senior electrical engineer with 20 years’ experience, including 10 years supervising the construction of power plants. A full time Expert Witness since 2021, he tells us what led him to the profession, why he feels he’s found his perfect match career-wise, and his advice for aspiring Expert Witnesses.

Availability for Court / annual leave
Helpline Q&A

Availability for Court / annual leave

It is common in my practice that I have to provide dates of availability for Court listings. I plan my leave around 12-18 months in advance so that I can book trips etc but also leave adequate space available for Court listings. I am currently dealing with an instructing solicitor who is insisting that holidays / leave are not a reason to be unavailable for Court. They have quoted the case of Matthews v Tarmac.
