7 August Case Updates Crumlish v Health Service Executive [2023] IEHC 202 Literature, Oncology, Tumour growth rates, Doubling Time, 10. Report Writing “Confirmation bias and confidence limits”
7 August Case Updates CD v BB [2023] IEHC 204 Psychiatry, Reasoning, Ireland, litigation capacity, Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Frontal Assessment Battery, 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing “Unnecessary detail”
7 August Case Updates Z (A Child: No.2: Welfare Decision) [2023] EWFC 61 Psychology, Psychiatry, Social work, Therapy-availability and cost, 10. Report Writing, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits “What if the parent cannot afford to pay for the recommended therapy?”
7 August Case Updates Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust v JMC [2023] EWCOP 14 Psychiatry, Capacity, Section 49, Mental Capacity Act, 05. Rules and Regulations “Is a section 49 report an expert report?”
7 August Case Updates Wyrebek v Circuit Court, Gliwice, Poland [2023] EWHC 951 (Admin) Psychology, Extradition, Psychiatry, Psychometric testing, Intellectual/learning disability, 10. Report Writing, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits “The value of psychometric testing”
7 August Case Updates Rowbottom v The Estate of Peter Howard, Deceased [2023] EWHC 931 (KB) Expert's duty, Accident reconstruction, 10. Report Writing, 14. Giving Oral Evidence “Don’t try to pull the wool over the judge’s eyes”
7 August Case Updates Lynch v Government of the United States of America [2023] EWHC 876 (Admin) Expertise, 10. Report Writing “This month’s inexpert expert”
18 June Case Updates de Renee v Galbraith-Marten (Rev) [2022] EWFC 118 Procedure rules, family court, 05. Rules and Regulations “The perils of being instructed by a party without the court’s permission”
6 June Case Updates M (A Child: Leave to Oppose Adoption) [2023] EWCA Civ 404 Psychology, Psychiatry, Treating doctor, 05. Rules and Regulations “Addressing treatability in a family case”
6 June Case Updates North Bristol NHS Trust v R [2023] EWCOP 5 Psychiatry, Capacity, Consent, Caesarean section, 10. Report Writing “Capacity to consent to elective Caesarean section”