Judicial recognition

The importance of appropriately trained Expert Witnesses is already recognised by the Judiciary (see Mr Justice Fraser’s remark) EWI Certification is attracting endorsements such as:

I welcome the EWI’s initiative in creating a certification programme for expert witnesses. The complexity of much of modern litigation means that expert witnesses often play an essential role in the administration of justice. Unfortunately, judges have had to criticise experts for failing to understand and comply with their duties. Such failures can result in injustice and such criticism can cause serious damage to a person’s professional reputation. I hope that the initiative will assist experts, the parties who instruct them to give evidence, and the judiciary in their collaboration to ensure high standards in the administration of justice.”

Lord Hodge, Deputy President of the Supreme Court



It is crucial that expert witnesses are properly trained and qualified so that they are able to comply with their duties to the courts and tribunals before which they appear.  I welcome the work of the EWI in promoting the introduction of an SQA accredited programme in support of that objective.”

The Right Hon Lord Carloway, Lord President of the Court of Session



Credit rating for Certification How to apply/Cost